Final Event Results (Non-SCA Event)

'Feb 2022 50-Target Compak Event'
50 target EnglishSporting event Held at South East on Sunday 27-Feb-2022
Sponsored by Aussie Disposals, D.A. &J.M. Kain, Galpins Accountant Ltd Pty, Gambier Shooting Supplies. and Jeff Olafsen Landmark

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Competition: High Gun Competition
Dunn, Leigh4949 1
Competition: AA Grade
Dunn, Leigh4949  1
Kent, Jeremy4848  2
Ashby, Daniel4747  3
Fabris, Mark4646  4
Dyson, Gavin4545  5
Dunn, Jamie4444  6
Rhook, Ron4444  6
Simson, Dougal4343  8
Widdison, Timothy4343  8
Atkin, Ken3737  10
Densley, Janette-   11
Competition: A Grade
Devaud, Romain4646  1
Sellars, Anthony4444  2
Maddern, Angus4141  3
Dyson, Bill4040  4
Weir, Tom4040  4
Scheidl, Cameron-   6
Densley, Joseph-   7
Jones, Matthew-   7
Competition: B Grade
Kentish, Frank3939  1
Withers, Simon36365 2
Lloyd, Timothy36364 3
Shelton, Brian3434  4
Crook, Matthew3333  5
Hann, Daniel3333  5
Michalski, Robert3333  5
Scheidl, Al3333  5
Wallis, Charles3333  5
Lavia, John3232  10
Gates, Michael3030  11
Competition: C Grade
Fleming, Scott3939  1
Von Stanke, Matt3434  2
Bell, Dwayne3030  3
Rohde, Douglas2828  4
Hood, Lachie2525  5
Lyon, Alex2323  6
Competition: Senior
Kessegian, Greg4444  1
Wright, Christopher (SA)4141  2
Lamond, Graham3838  3
Oakley, Bruce3434  4
Competition: Veteran
Scheidl, Ernie4444  1
Dyson, Kevin4242  2
Bugden, Rolf4141  3
Von Stanke, Christopher4040  4
Simson, Robert3535  5
Dangerfield, Garry3333  6
Klieve, Peter3232  7
Gurney, Wayne3131  8
Evans, Wayne-   9
Competition: Lady
Dunn, Nicola3737  1
Peters, Bernie3131  2
Kent,Sonya2929  3
Withers, Rachael2222  4
Rymill, Elizabeth-   5
Lawford, Emma-   6
Competition: Junior
Wright, Declan4141  1
Vanderhorst, Kody4040  2
Von Stanke Dowie, Brodie3131  3
Ashby, Zoe2020  4
Competition: Sub Junior
Von Stanke, William4040  1
Bell, D'Arci3535  2
Von Stanke, Axl3434  3
Ashby, Kain3333  4
Vonstanke, Shakielle3232  5
Von Stanke-Dowie, Noah3131  6
Dyson, Jack2222  7
Simson, Harry1515  8
Bell, Harry1414  9