Final Event Results

'State Selection Shoot #2 DUBBO'
100 target SportingClays event Held at Dubbo Field And Game Assoc. on Saturday 18-Mar-2023
Sponsored by Dubbo Field & Game Assoc. Inc. - OTC/GB - SCNSW

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Team Competition
Team NameTotal Score
Mudgee 4319
Sydney 2309
Mudgee 3304
Mudgee 1303
Mudgee 2298
Dubbo 2294
Dubbo 1285
Sydney 1221
Gunnedah 10
Gunnedah 20
Ardelthan 10
Competition: High Gun Competition
North, Charlie2321222187  1
Adams, Gary2222192386  2
Sgambellone, Frank2219242186  2
Brighenti, Bart2122222085  4
Thorpe, Warren2321192285  4
Competition: Scratch
North, Charlie (elim)2321222187  (elim)
Adams, Gary2222192386  1
Sgambellone, Frank2219242186  1
Brighenti, Bart2122222085  3
Thorpe, Warren2321192285  3
Payne, Stephen1923212184  5
Sinclair, Andrew2320202184  5
Barrowman, Chris2120202283  7
North, Lance2221231783  7
Bourke, Christopher2020202282  9
McGrath, Hayden2320211882  9
Bell, Andrew2220221781  11
Cooper, Stephen2019212181  11
Lucas, Michael2318211981  11
Brown, Craig2020211980  14
Halsey, Scott2219211880  14
Leonard, Paul2218202080  14
Solomons, Jason1919192380  14
Zorgios, Tom1922221780  14
Duncan, Matt1922201879  19
Collier, John2216192178  20
Teffaha, Rami2019201978  20
Cartwright, Milton1920211777  22
Craig, Janelle1818212077  22
Garvie, Andrew1721221777  22
Munro, Michael1222212277  22
Kavanagh, Maxwell2117191976  26
Valeri, Hayden1919191976  26
Buys, Amy1821181875  28
Kay, Peter1519212075  28
Carmichael, Adam1917201874  30
Everett, Chris1716202174  30
Hall, Brett1717192174  30
Haskins, Kevin2019161974  30
Purvis, Paula1719201874  30
Ali, Ralph2015191973  35
Koolbanis, John1721181773  35
Ceccato, Alec1517192172  37
Flemming, Ken1820181672  37
Jason, Mcgrath1914201972  37
Sasse, Darren1919181672  37
Christian, Ross1918181671  41
Jones, Mark1618181971  41
Rees, Murray2015181871  41
Peckett, Joshua1815201770  44
Phillips, Melissa1818151970  44
Salamon, Angelo1418191970  44
Bloink, Glen1815162069  47
Bowman, Victor1816201569  47
Jones, Gregory1419181869  47
Suprain, Brent1915211469  47
Delaney, Robert (Dean)1715171968  51
Duncan, Ronald (BRUCE)1418191768  51
McPherson, Craig (DUBBO)2016161668  51
Musicki, Mario1917141868  51
Woo, Anthony1716171868  51
Duddy, Angus1814171867  56
Guzelian, Jake1617191567  56
King, Scott P (Mudgee)1119191867  56
Mills, David1717171667  56
Murray, Dylen1615201667  56
Purvis, Kenneth1816201367  56
Tydd, Stephen1517171867  56
Barrowman, Andrea1917141666  63
Hall, Jeff1617161766  63
Portelli, David1816171566  63
Rea, Peter1520161566  63
Briscas, Robert1914171565  67
Coss, Christopher1713191665  67
Job, Hamish1915141765  67
Araco, Frank1812181563  70
Murray, Robert1420141563  70
Selimiotis, Peter2015131563  70
Peckett, Michael1816151362  73
Raco, Christian1817121562  73
Agustin, Chris1512181661  75
Dickey, John1517151461  75
Purvis, Aliza1714131761  75
Araco, Giovanni1416141660  78
Coulthard, Brent1417151460  78
Dorman, Colin1214181660  78
Leadbitter, Christian1314151759  81
Leadbitter, Jed1616141359  81
Van den Heuvel, Henk1013171959  81
Edgar, Robert1514161358  84
Koudsy, Sam1714131458  84
Berryman, Grant1712131557  86
Byron, Gary1314141657  86
Scheepers, Ryan1613161257  86
Smidt, Paul1515161157  86
Taylor, Geoffrey1414151457  86
Corderoy, Anthony1117161256  91
Teffaha, Ahmed1613141255  92
Scheepers, Deon1213121754  93
Craig, Adam1212131451  94
Lucas, Simone141513951  94
Purvis, Henry131215949  96
Rees, Jack1412111249  96
Martin, Russell166131247  98
Siviour, Tenielle911141145  99
Cahill, Anthony1617--33  100
Krollpfeiffer, Sven9112-22  101
Selimiotis, Anthony1064-20  102
Bourke, Mellissa-811-19  103
Kirk, Gabrielle118--19  103
Scheepers, Lindi202-4  105
Competition: AA Grade
Adams, Gary2222192386  1
Brighenti, Bart212222208512 2
Thorpe, Warren232119228510 3
Barrowman, Chris2120202283  4
Bourke, Christopher2020202282  5
Bell, Andrew2220221781  6
Halsey, Scott2219211880  7
Solomons, Jason1919192380  7
Duncan, Matt1922201879  9
Teffaha, Rami2019201978  10
Garvie, Andrew1721221777  11
Rees, Murray2015181871  12
Salamon, Angelo1418191970  13
Purvis, Kenneth1816201367  14
Corderoy, Anthony1117161256  15
Competition: A Grade
Sgambellone, Frank2219242186  1
Sinclair, Andrew2320202184  2
North, Lance2221231783  3
Cooper, Stephen2019212181  4
Lucas, Michael2318211981  4
Brown, Craig2020211980  6
Zorgios, Tom1922221780  6
Valeri, Hayden1919191976  8
Carmichael, Adam1917201874  9
Everett, Chris1716202174  9
Koolbanis, John1721181773  11
Flemming, Ken1820181672  12
Sasse, Darren1919181672  12
McPherson, Craig (DUBBO)2016161668  14
Duddy, Angus1814171867  15
King, Scott P (Mudgee)1119191867  15
Mills, David1717171667  15
Edgar, Robert1514161358  18
Byron, Gary1314141657  19
Cahill, Anthony1617--33  20
Competition: B Grade
Leonard, Paul2218202080  1
Hall, Brett1717192174  2
Jason, Mcgrath1914201972  3
Jones, Mark1618181971  4
Bloink, Glen1815162069  5
Jones, Gregory1419181869  5
Suprain, Brent1915211469  5
Musicki, Mario1917141868  8
Woo, Anthony1716171868  8
Briscas, Robert1914171565  10
Coss, Christopher1713191665  10
Job, Hamish1915141765  10
Araco, Frank1812181563  13
Murray, Robert1420141563  13
Selimiotis, Peter2015131563  13
Agustin, Chris1512181661  16
Berryman, Grant1712131557  17
Taylor, Geoffrey1414151457  17
Competition: C Grade
Peckett, Michael1816151362  1
Coulthard, Brent14171514601 2
Araco, Giovanni1416141660  3
Leadbitter, Christian1314151759  4
Van den Heuvel, Henk1013171959  4
Teffaha, Ahmed1613141255  6
Scheepers, Deon1213121754  7
Craig, Adam1212131451  8
Martin, Russell166131247  9
Competition: Senior
Payne, Stephen1923212184  1
Collier, John2216192178  2
Munro, Michael1222212277  3
Kay, Peter1519212075  4
Haskins, Kevin2019161974  5
Ali, Ralph2015191973  6
Delaney, Robert (Dean)1715171968  7
Hall, Jeff1617161766  8
Portelli, David1816171566  8
Rea, Peter1520161566  8
Dickey, John1517151461  11
Smidt, Paul1515161157  12
Competition: Veteran
Cartwright, Milton1920211777  1
Tydd, Stephen151717186713 2
Guzelian, Jake16171915679 3
Dorman, Colin1214181660  4
Koudsy, Sam1714131458  5
Competition: Master
Kavanagh, Maxwell2117191976  1
Ceccato, Alec1517192172  2
Christian, Ross1918181671  3
Bowman, Victor1816201569  4
Duncan, Ronald (BRUCE)1418191768  5
Krollpfeiffer, Sven9112-22  6
Competition: Lady
Craig, Janelle1818212077  1
Buys, Amy1821181875  2
Purvis, Paula1719201874  3
Phillips, Melissa1818151970  4
Barrowman, Andrea1917141666  5
Lucas, Simone141513951  6
Siviour, Tenielle911141145  7
Bourke, Mellissa-811-19  8
Kirk, Gabrielle118--19  8
Scheepers, Lindi202-4  10
Competition: Junior
North, Charlie (elim)2321222187  (elim)
McGrath, Hayden2320211882  1
Peckett, Joshua1815201770  2
Purvis, Aliza1714131761  3
Leadbitter, Jed1616141359  4
Scheepers, Ryan1613161257  5
Competition: Sub Junior
Murray, Dylen1615201667  1
Raco, Christian1817121562  2
Purvis, Henry1312159496 3
Rees, Jack14121112494 4
Selimiotis, Anthony1064-20  5