Final Event Results

'Interclub shoot between Broken Hill and Milparinka May 2023 100-Target Sporting Clays Event'
100 target SportingClays event Held at Milparinka Sporting Clays on Saturday 20-May-2023

Return to listCompetition Winners
Competition: A Grade
Lawrence, Craig2319212083  1
Casey, Brian2022201880  2
Lemmich, David2217191977  3
Young, Rowan2019211676  4
Competition: B Grade
Millsteed, Tim2219181978  1
Elliott, Anthony15172119721 2
Hoare, Brian1816211772  3
Fuster, Arnaud1915191871  4
Meehan, Gary1718171870  5
Murphy, Richard1916191670  5
Competition: C Grade
Grenfell, Rodney1916141261  1
Bailey, Dennis1312131553  2
Lawrence, Calan119131548  3
Evans, William136131244  4
Treganowan, Neil1615--31  5