Final Event Results

'LADIES DAY!!!!!! Celebrating the ladies in our sport '
75 target SportingClays event Held at Beaudesert Sporting Clays on Saturday 14-Oct-2023

Return to listCompetition Winners
Competition: High Gun Competition
Davis, Dan21202061 1
Competition: A Grade
Davis, Dan (elim)21202061  (elim)
Christensen, James19181855  1
Christensen, Christopher16181650  2
Hooper, Robert18141749  3
Christopher, Geoff16131847  4
Hubner, David15171547  4
Waldron, Ian14131643  6
Competition: B Grade
Dowie, Kris21162158  1
Gould, Kent18191956  2
Rogers, Georgia (elim)17142152  (elim)
Hills, Luke15161748  3
Farrow, Mark14181547  4
Law, Carl1912536  5
Cook, Leslie13121035  6
Lubbe, David1113832  7
Podlich, Geoffrey14--14  8
Competition: C Grade
Lee, Anthony18151851  1
Pedersen, Anders15121643  2
Pettman, Lyell12141339  3
Anderson, Tim15111137  4
Rogers, Charles13111236  5
Waldron, Tyson (elim)1315735  (elim)
Bazley, Christopher10101434  6
Hardgrave, Garth11131034  6
Agnew, Grant9121233  8
Littlefield, Lydia (elim)1112932  (elim)
Sorsby, Liam815629  9
Dewdney, Sonia (elim)611926  (elim)
Usher, Nathan77822  10
Podlich, Elaine (elim)7--7  (elim)
Hails, Gillian--22  11
Competition: Lady
Littlefield, Lydia1112932  1
Dewdney, Sonia611926  2
Podlich, Elaine7--7  3
Hails, Gillian--22  4
Competition: Sub Junior
Rogers, Georgia17142152  1
Waldron, Tyson1315735  2