Final Event Results (Non-SCA Event)

'Dec 2023 104-Target Sporting Clays Christmas Shoot'
104 target SportingClays event Held at Dubbo Field And Game Assoc. on Sunday 17-Dec-2023
Sponsored by Bourke & Bloink Families

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Competition: High Gun Competition
Payne, Stephen5150101  1
Carr, Rodney484896  2
Cross, Luke4550953 3
Armstrong, Troy5045952 4
Adams, Gary4847951 5
Rees, Murray484694  6
Collier, John4647932 7
Carmichael, Adam4647931 8
Lyne, Keith46469210 9
Job, Hamish4547929 10
Cooper, Stephen4547922 11
Kay, Peter5042921 12
Bryden, John444791  13
Barrowman, Chris434790  14
Corderoy, Anthony424890  14
Delaney, Robert (Dean)454590  14
Haskins, Kevin434689  17
Kurtz, Craig454489  17
Monk, Tony454489  17
Purvis, Kenneth454489  17
Competition: Scratch
Payne, Stephen (elim)5150101  (elim)
Carr, Rodney (elim)484896  (elim)
Adams, Gary (elim)484795  (elim)
Armstrong, Troy (elim)504595  (elim)
Cross, Luke (elim)455095  (elim)
Rees, Murray (elim)484694  (elim)
Carmichael, Adam (elim)464793  (elim)
Collier, John (elim)464793  (elim)
Job, Hamish (elim)454792  (elim)
Lyne, Keith (elim)464692  (elim)
Cooper, Stephen454792  1
Kay, Peter504292  1
Bryden, John444791  3
Barrowman, Chris434790  4
Corderoy, Anthony424890  4
Delaney, Robert (Dean)454590  4
Bloink, Glen454489  7
Guy, Darren464389  7
Haskins, Kevin434689  7
Kurtz, Craig454489  7
Monk, Tony454489  7
Purvis, Kenneth454489  7
McPherson, Craig (DUBBO)414788  13
Christian, Ross404686  14
Dorman, Colin434386  14
Horder, Daniel404686  14
Lyne, Nicholas384886  14
Redfern, Lawrence424486  14
Stewart, Ian414586  14
McGrath, Jason (DUBBO)424284  20
McGrath, Melinda414384  20
McPherson, Ryan (DUBBO)444084  20
Ridley, Nick414384  20
Purvis, Paula424183  24
Kelly, Scott404282  25
Kovac, Michael404282  25
Tucker, Errol394382  25
Hall, Brett364581  28
Coaker, Denis394180  29
Donnantuoni, Christopher413980  29
Jones, Gregory404080  29
Rees, Jack413980  29
Holland, Max374279  33
Sidoti, John413879  33
Lyne, Paul413778  35
Berryman, Grant423577  36
Hall, Jeff413677  36
Murray, Dylen383977  36
Phillips, Melissa364177  36
Townsend, Leslie374077  36
Bloink, Jesse363975  41
Purvis, Henry354075  41
Anderson, James363874  43
Smith, Stephen (DUBBO)363874  43
Purvis, Paul363773  45
Mcphee, Michael373471  46
Murphy, Lance422971  46
Murray, Robert353469  48
Calocouras, Jason313667  49
Tucker, Andrew353267  49
McDonald, Mark333366  51
Purvis, Aliza283866  51
Smith, Benjamin David313465  53
Galliano, Donald323264  54
Ridley, Craig323264  54
Bourke, Mellissa323062  56
Bell, Paul313061  57
Piddington, Ian332760  58
Culver, James213859  59
O'Dell, Michael302959  59
Kelly, Blake283058  61
Bryden, Rebecca252752  62
Calocouras, Theo262652  62
Frost, Aaron222850  64
Bourke, Amelia261945  65
Kelly, Alison172845  65
Neeves, Stephanie232144  67
Heywood, Kevin29-29  68
Hamilton, William--   69
Competition: AA Grade
Corderoy, Anthony424890  1
Competition: A Grade
Adams, Gary (elim)484795  (elim)
Rees, Murray (elim)484694  (elim)
Job, Hamish (elim)454792  (elim)
Cooper, Stephen454792  1
Barrowman, Chris434790  2
Purvis, Kenneth454489  3
Horder, Daniel404686  4
Hall, Brett364581  5
Smith, Stephen (DUBBO)363874  6
Competition: B Grade
Armstrong, Troy (elim)504595  (elim)
Carmichael, Adam (elim)464793  (elim)
Kurtz, Craig4544893 1
Bloink, Glen4544892 2
Guy, Darren4643891 3
McPherson, Craig (DUBBO)414788  4
McGrath, Jason (DUBBO)424284  5
Ridley, Nick414384  5
Kovac, Michael404282  7
Donnantuoni, Christopher413980  8
Jones, Gregory404080  8
Bloink, Jesse363975  10
Mcphee, Michael373471  11
Murray, Robert353469  12
Calocouras, Jason313667  13
Ridley, Craig323264  14
Competition: C Grade
Bryden, John444791  1
Kelly, Scott404282  2
Berryman, Grant423577  3
Anderson, James363874  4
Purvis, Paul363773  5
Murphy, Lance422971  6
Tucker, Andrew353267  7
Smith, Benjamin David313465  8
Galliano, Donald323264  9
Culver, James213859  10
O'Dell, Michael302959  10
Calocouras, Theo262652  12
Frost, Aaron222850  13
Hamilton, William--   14
Competition: Senior
Payne, Stephen (elim)5150101  (elim)
Carr, Rodney (elim)484896  (elim)
Cross, Luke (elim)455095  (elim)
Collier, John (elim)464793  (elim)
Kay, Peter504292  1
Delaney, Robert (Dean)454590  2
Haskins, Kevin434689  3
Lyne, Paul413778  4
Hall, Jeff413677  5
McDonald, Mark333366  6
Bell, Paul313061  7
Competition: Veteran
Monk, Tony454489  1
Redfern, Lawrence4244862 2
Dorman, Colin4343861 3
Tucker, Errol394382  4
Holland, Max374279  5
Sidoti, John413879  5
Piddington, Ian332760  7
Competition: Master
Lyne, Keith (elim)464692  (elim)
Christian, Ross4046862 1
Stewart, Ian4145861 2
Coaker, Denis394180  3
Townsend, Leslie374077  4
Heywood, Kevin29-29  5
Competition: Lady
McGrath, Melinda414384  1
Purvis, Paula424183  2
Phillips, Melissa364177  3
Bourke, Mellissa323062  4
Bryden, Rebecca252752  5
Kelly, Alison172845  6
Neeves, Stephanie232144  7
Competition: Junior
Lyne, Nicholas384886  1
Purvis, Aliza283866  2
Competition: Sub Junior
McPherson, Ryan (DUBBO)444084  1
Rees, Jack413980  2
Murray, Dylen383977  3
Purvis, Henry354075  4
Kelly, Blake283058  5
Bourke, Amelia261945  6