Wave Allocation in 30th Compak Nationals

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Wave Allocation in 30th Compak Nationals

The following list shows the current Wave allocations.

People who have not yet completed the nomination process will not appear here.

This event is open

This event requires a registered referee in every squad

If you or one of the people you are nominating is a referee registered with SCA, your group will be allocated to a wave needing that many referees.

Wave Number Members
1 Bruce Collins
Brendan Goodman
Ian (WA) Grant (referee)
Luke Hayward (referee)
Mark Hildebrandt (referee)
Ryan Leman
Michelle Marriott
Billi Marshall
Eamon McCabe
Paul McGowan
Peter Mitchell
Chris O Riordan
Ian Porter
Danon Randazzo
Hendrik Rheeder
Robert Scari (referee)
Deon Scheepers
Lindi Scheepers
Ryan Scheepers
David Whitting
Jarrod Witney
2 Alan Backman
Andrew Garvie
Angus Grant (referee)
Cheyne Hill (referee)
Oliver Hill
Mitch McCashney (referee)
Arthur Page (referee)
Paula Purvis
Benjamin Studham
Paul Studham
3 Patrick Doyle (referee)
Shaun Mountford
Mat Shipp
4 Christopher Bourke (referee)
Janette Densley
Joseph Densley (referee)
Joe Gurak
Belinda Hall
Christian Leadbitter
Jed Leadbitter