Shoot Together Information

Information on Shoot Together Requests In Major Events

In major events, there are only two reasons why people may request to shoot together:

  • People supervising one or more juniors and
  • For Disability Reasons.
No other reasons will be accepted. In particular, "we are mates and we always shoot together" will not be accepted.

Supervising Juniors or Sub Juniors

Rule A21.3 states:

A21.3 Junior and Sub Junior shooters must always be accompanied by an adult shooter.

If your nomination group contains an adult with the same surname, that person will automatically be made the designated supervisor.

if the parents or guardians of the Junior or Sub Junior are not competing in the event, a parent or guardian of the Junior or Sub Junior will need to contact the event administrator by email at or if you are the parent or guardian, you can click the following link: Peter Kay The email must provide the following information:

  • The name of the Junior or Sub Junior
  • The name of the adult who will be shooting in this event and who will be supervising the Junior or Sub Junior
  • A declaration that the person sending the email is the parent or guardian of the Junior or Sub Junior and that they approve this person supervising their child.

If the request is approved, the people involved will be placed into the same squad by the event administrator and you will subsequently be able to complete their nominations and pay their nomination fees.

Disability Reasons

If you have a disability which means that you need to shoot with a support person (for example, to ride in their golf buggy), you should contact the event administrator by email by clicking the following link: Peter Kay and provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • The name of your support person
  • A brief description of your disability and the reason why you need that person's help to be able to compete in the event.

If the request is approved, you and your support person will be placed into the same squad by the event administrator and you will both subsequently be able to complete your nominations, pay your nomination fees and shoot together at the event.