Information on the Practice Day Booking System

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Information On The Practice Day Booking System

This system allows you to book time at a practice day at your SCA club. In this case, the event is being held at Rocky Gully Sporting Clays on Saturday 11-January-2025.


  • Session: the basic booking quantity - typically 25 targets for a group of 5 people.
  • Number of Practice Sessions: the number of sessions scheduled for the day.
  • Practice Time: the amount of time scheduled for each session.
  • Shooters Per Session: the number of people who can be booked into one session.
  • Maximum Bookable Sessions: the maximum number of sessions that you can book in one day.
  • Booking List: the same list of shooters that you use for online nominations.
  • Booking Group: the shooters you have selected from your Booking List.

Identifying yourself

If you have used the online nominations system recently, you do not need to do this again.

Enter your Sporting Clays Australia ID number which you will find on your membership card. If you are not a member or don't know your SCA ID number, you can enter your surname and some additional details. An email will be sent to you with a validation number which you must then enter. If done successfully, a cookie will be stored by your web browser which will identify you for subsequent visits.

Setting up your Booking List

If you have used online nominations, you will already have a booking list.

If you are new to this system, your booking list will contain your name. You can add people to your list by clicking the appropriate button, entering their surname and selecting the correct person from a list of matching names.

You can select or deselect anyone on your booking list to form a booking group - these are the people that you will be booking sessions for.

Booking the sessions

Click on the "I would like to book for this practice day" button.

The website will then ask how many sessions that you wish to book for each of the people in your booking group.

After entering the details for the last person on your booking group, the website will display a summary of your selections and ask you to confirm that the details are correct.

  • If the details are correct, the website will complete those bookings for you and will display a list of the session details so that you can note the session times.
  • If the details are incorrect, you will return to the details screen and you can make the necessary adjustments.

NOTE: this is a multi user system and it is possible that someone else could book the remaining sessions while you are entering details.


That is all there is to it. This is a much simpler system than online nominations.

  • There are no payments involved - all payments or "On The Day".
  • You are expected to respect the needs of other shooters by completing your sessions in the alloted time.
  • If you or any of your booking group are subsequently unable to attend, please notify the club President or Secretary

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